
Pipes and Cistern - Important Points

Pipes and Cistern - MCQ

Questions based on pipes and cistern is asked in all competitive exams. The concept of time and work will be applied to solve questions from this topic.

Pipes and Cistern Formula

With 1 Inlet pipe: If a pipe can fill a tank in x hours, then the part of tank filled in 1 hour = 1 / x

With 2 inlet pipe: If a pipe can fill a tank in x hours and another fill the same tank in y hours, then the net part filled in 1 hr, when both pipes are opened: 1/x + 1/y

Time taken to fill the tank = xy/(x + y)

With 1 inlet and 1 outlet pipe: If a pipe can fill a tank in x hours and another pipe can empty the full tank in y hours, then the net part filled in 1 hour, when both the pipes are opened = 1/x – 1/y

Time taken to fill the tank, when both the pipes are opened = xy/(y – x)

With 3 inlet pipes: If a pipe fills a tank in x hrs and another fills the same tank in y hrs, but a third empties the full tank in z hrs and all of them are opened together, the net part filled in 1 hr = 1/x + 1/y + 1/z
Time taken to fill the tank = xyz/(yz + xz - xy)

Pipes and Cistern problem types

A. When some inlet pipes opened together

B. First pipe open and second pipe open after some time

C. Some pipes opened for some time then few of them closed

Let’s understand this with the help of an example.

Example: Pipe A can fill a tank in 10 hrs, pipe B can fill it in 15 hrs. In what time, the tank will be full if-

(a) If both are opened together

(b) First pipe A is opened and pipe B is opened after 4 hrs

(c) If both are opened for 2 hrs, then pipe A is closed

(d) If both the pipe are opened alongwith a third outlet pipe C, which cam empty a filled tank in 20 hrs

Solution: Total capacity of tank = LCM (10,15,20) = 60 Ltr

         Fill Rate (ltr/hr)

    A   60/10 = 6

    B   60/15 = 4

    C   60/20 = -3 (for question d)

(a) Both can fill the tank in = 60/(6 + 4) = 6 hrs

(b) In 4 hrs, A filled 24 ltr

Remaining capacity = 60 – 24 = 36 ltr

B can fill it in = 36/4 = 9 hrs

Total time to fill = 4 + 9 = 13 hrs

(c) In 2 hrs, 2 x (6 + 4) = 20 ltr is filled

Remaining capacity = 40 ltr

B can fill this in = 40/4 = 10 hrs

Total time to fill = 2 + 10 = 12 hrs

(d) In 1 hr, All can fill 6 + 4 – 3 = 7 ltr

The tank will be filled in = 60/7 = 8 4/7 hrs

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