
IBPS PO Mains 2016 - Quantitative Aptitude

IBPS PO Mains 2016 - Quantitative Aptitude - Important Points


Directions (1-5): There are five shops P, Q, R, S and T and they sell two different items - item A and item B. Following pie- chart shows the total no. of items sold by different shops in a particular month.

What is the central angle corresponding to the total number of items sold by shop S ?

A. 87.8°

B. 71.2°

C. 79.2°

D. 77.8°

E. None of these

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Answer: option c


Answer: C

2. Total number of items sold by shop P is equal to 36% of the total items purchased by shop P, then what is total number of unsold items of shop P ?

A. 320

B. 160

C. 140

D. 360

E. None of these

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Answer: option b


Answer: B

3. If the total number of items sold by shop S are 10% more and that of T are 20% more in the next month, than what is the total number of items sold by shop S and T together in the next month ?

A. 265

B. 355

C. 255

D. 365

E. None of these

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Answer: option a


Answer: A

4. If the total no. of item B sold by shop Q and that of R are equal and the ratio between the item A sold by shop Q to the item A sold by shop R is 2 : 3, then find the total number of item B sold by shop Q and R together ?

A. 80

B. 90

C. 70

D. 100

E. None of these

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Answer: option a


Answer: A

5. If the total number of item B sold by all of the shops together are 58% of the total items sold by all of the shops, then find the difference between the item A sold by all of the shops together and the item B sold by all of the shops together ?

A. 60

B. 70

C. 85

D. 95

E. None of these

Discuss Work Space

Answer: option e


Answer: E

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