
IBPS PO Mains 2016 - Reasoning

IBPS PO Mains 2016 - Reasoning - Important Points

21. Targeted Delivery of Government subsidies and benefits to ensure that they reach the poor and the deserving. What would be the cause of above government budget?

A. Some portion is still untouched from new subsidies and other scheme.

B. Some urban sector can get subsidy scheme profit.

C. DBT ensures related information about the poor people for subsidies.

D. The transparency and clearance will be increased.

E. None of these

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Answer: option a


Answer: A


Twenty percent of all energy consumed in the country is consumed by home appliances. If appliances that are twice as energy-efficient as those currently available are manufactured, this figure will eventually be reduced to about ten percent.

The argument above requires which of the following assumptions?

A. Home-appliance usage would not increase along with the energy efficiency of the appliances.

B. It would not be expensive to manufacture home appliances that are energy-efficient.

C. Home-appliance manufacturers now have the technology to produce appliances that are twice as energy-efficient as those currently available.

D. The cost of energy to the consumer would rise with increases in the energy efficiency of home appliances.

E. None of these

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Answer: option a


Answer: A


Direction (24-25): Each question consists of some conclusion followed by five statements. Consider the given conclusion to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide from which statement, the conclusion can be possible.

Conclusion: No toxic is injection. Some injection are glucose.


A. All toxic are tablet. No tablet is glucose. Some glucose are medicine. All medicine are injection

B. Some toxic are tablet. All tablet are injection. Some injection are glucose. All glucose are medicine

C. All tablet are toxic. No injection is toxic. Some glucose are injection. All glucose are medicine.

D. Some injection are toxic All injection are tablet Some toxic are glucose All glucose are medicine

E. Some medicine are toxic Some toxic are injection Some injection are tablet All tablet are glucose

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Answer: option c


Answer: C


Conclusion: Some clock are watch. Some wheel are buses.


A. All watch are clocks. Some clocks are tyres. Some tyres are wheels. Some wheels are buses.

B. Some watch are wheel All wheel are tyre Some tyre are buses All buses are clock

C. Some buses are tyre Some tyre are clock All clock are watch Some watch are wheel

D. All tyre are buses Some buses are wheel Some wheel are clock No clock is watch

E. Some buses are watch Some watch are tyre Some tyre are clock Some clock are wheel

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Answer: option a


Answer: A


Statement:- By asking five prominent hospitals in the national capital to deposit nearly Rs. 600 crore to compensate for their failure to treat poor patients, the Delhi government has drawn attention to the social obligation of healthcare providers in the corporate sector as well as the need for timely enforcement of applicable regulations. According to the Delhi government, trusts and registered societies to which public land was allotted to establish hospitals were required to earmark a percentage of their medical facilities and services for indigent patients.


1. This strengthens the case for private hospitals to dedicate a part of their services to those who cannot afford treatment.

2. Social responsibility of hospitals must be monitored and central government should ensure compliance by the corporate hospitals.

III. There is a great need for the government to monitor and enforce “health services” so that the poor who cannot afford modern health facilities that are extremely costly- are able to be benefited.

A. All are implicit

B. Only III is implicit

C. Only I and III are implicit

D. Only I and II are implicit

E. None is implicit

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Answer: option c


Answer: C

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