
IBPS PO Prelims 2016 - English Language

IBPS PO Prelims 2016 - English Language - Important Points

1. Identify the error in the sentences given below, if there is no error, choose option (E).

A. The need to set up

B. a good library in the locality

C. has been in the minds of people

D. for some time now

E. No error

Discuss Work Space

Answer: option c


Add article ‘the’ before ‘people’

2. Identify the error in the sentences given below, if there is no error, choose option (E).

A. Most people would have

B. attended the union meeting

C. if they had

D. had longer notice of it.

E. No error

Discuss Work Space

Answer: option d


Add article ‘a’ before ‘longer’

3. Identify the error in the sentences given below, if there is no error, choose option (E).

A. He took to

B. reading Times

C. for better knowledge

D. of the facts.

E. No error

Discuss Work Space

Answer: option b


Add article ‘the’ before ‘Times’.

4. Identify the error in the sentences given below, if there is no error, choose option (E).

A. When children have difficulty understanding

B. a certain mathematical process, it is often because

C. their teachers do not understand it conceptually

D. themselves and do not present it in a way that children can understand.

E. No error.

Discuss Work Space

Answer: option a


use of preposition 'in' after 'difficulty'.

5. Identify the error in the sentences given below, if there is no error, choose option (E).

A. Studies show that the lives of millions of mothers

B. and their children could be saved if countries would

C. invest in programs that ensures

D. and safe childbirth.

E. No error

Discuss Work Space

Answer: option c


use 'ensure' in place of 'ensures' as the noun is plural

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