
IBPS PO Prelims 2016 - Quantitative Aptitude

IBPS PO Prelims 2016 - Quantitative Aptitude - Important Points


If in 2010 the number of students appeared from state A is increase by 10%and those from state B increased by 15% as compared to the number of students from respective states in year 2009, then what is the ratio of number of students from state A and state B in 2010?

A. 287:439

B. 285:437

C. 289:437

D. 433:189

E. 242:437

Discuss Work Space

Answer: option e


Required ratio = (110 /100×440) / (115 /100×760) = 484 / 874 = 242 / 437


What is the difference between average number of students from state A and state B?

A. 90

B. 60

C. 80

D. 70

E. 110

Discuss Work Space

Answer: option c


Difference = (3120 / 6) − (2640 / 6) = 520 −440 = 80

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