
IBPS PO Prelims 2020 - Quantitative Aptitude

IBPS PO Prelims 2020 - Quantitative Aptitude - Important Points


Direction (1 – 5): The Line graph shows the number of people (Boys + girls) visited five (A, B, C, D & E) different parks and the number of girls visited out of total people visited these five parks. Read the data carefully and answer the questions.

Find total number of boys visited in park A, B & C together?

A. 104

B. 102

C. 106

D. 108

E. 96

Discuss Work Space

Answer: option b


Answer: B

2. If total number of people visited in park F are 18 more than total number of people visited in park C and D together and out of total people visited in park F, 4/9 th are girls, then find number of boys visited in park F?

A. 90

B. 92

C. 96

D. 84

E. 102

Discuss Work Space

Answer: option a


Answer: A

3. What percent of girls visited in park A with respect to the total number of people (Boys + Girls) visited that park (approximately)?

A. 41

B. 43

C. 47

D. 49

E. 51

Discuss Work Space

Answer: option c


Answer: C

4. If park E charge Rs. 24 for each people (Boys + Girls) who visited the park, then find the total revenue get by park E?

A. 1166 Rs.

B. 1296 Rs.

C. 1248 Rs.

D. 1268 Rs.

E. 1284 Rs.

Discuss Work Space

Answer: option b


Answer: B

5. Total people (Boys + Girls) who visited park B is what percent more than total people (Boys + Girls) who visited park E (Approximate)?

A. 25

B. 39

C. 43

D. 33

E. 66

Discuss Work Space

Answer: option d


Answer: D

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