
Java Classes and Objects

Java Classes and Objects - Important Points


Which of the following is not a valid Java identifier for a class?

A. MyClass

B. myClass

C. My_Class

D. 1MyClass

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Answer: option d


Java identifiers must start with a letter, underscore, or dollar sign. They cannot start with a number.

2. Which keyword is used to define a class in Java?

A. class

B. object

C. void

D. new

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Answer: option a


The class keyword is used to define a class in Java.

3. Which keyword is used to create an object in Java?

A. class

B. object

C. new

D. void

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Answer: option c


The new keyword is used to create an object in Java.

4. Which of the following is a constructor in Java?

A. public void MyClass()

B. public MyClass()

C. public int MyClass()

D. public MyClass(int x)

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Answer: option d


Constructors have the same name as the class and no return type. They can take arguments or no arguments.

5. Which method is called when an object is created?

A. constructor

B. main

C. finalize

D. toString

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Answer: option a


The constructor method is called when an object is created.

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