
JavaScript Datatypes and Variables

JavaScript Datatypes and Variables - Important Points

11. Which of the following is a valid way to declare a variable with global scope in JavaScript?

A. var myVar;

B. let myVar;

C. const myVar;

D. All of the above

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Answer: option a


Using the var keyword to declare a variable without specifying a block scope makes it a global variable.

12. Which of the following is a valid way to convert a string to a number in JavaScript?

A. parseInt("10");

B. 10.toInt();

C. 10.toNumber();

D. Number("10");

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Answer: option a


The parseInt() function can be used to convert a string to a number in JavaScript.

13. What is the data type of a variable that stores a null value in JavaScript?

A. Object

B. Null

C. Undefined

D. Number

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Answer: option a


In JavaScript, null is considered to be an object data type.

14. Which of the following is not a valid way to declare a variable in JavaScript?

A. var 1myVar = 1;

B. let myVar1 = 1;

C. const MYVAR = 1;

D. let $myVar = 1;

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Answer: option a


Variable names in JavaScript cannot start with a number.

15. What is the data type of a variable that stores a function in JavaScript?

A. Function

B. Object

C. Method

D. Action

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Answer: option b


In JavaScript, functions are considered to be objects.

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