
Kotlin Variables and Data Types

Kotlin Variables and Data Types - Important Points

1. Which of the following is a valid Kotlin variable declaration?

A. var name = "John"

B. var 1name = "John"

C. var name = 1

D. var name: String = "John"

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Answer: option a


In Kotlin, variable names cannot start with a number. Option A is a valid variable declaration that initializes a variable named "name" with the value "John".

2. What is the default value of an uninitialized Kotlin variable of type Int?

A. null

B. 0

C. 0

D. 0

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Answer: option b


The default value of an uninitialized Kotlin variable of type Int is 0.

3. Which of the following data types in Kotlin is used to represent floating-point numbers?

A. Int

B. Long

C. Float

D. Double

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Answer: option d


In Kotlin, the Double data type is used to represent floating-point numbers.

4. Which of the following is a valid way to declare a constant variable in Kotlin?

A. const val name = "John"

B. var name = "John"

C. val name = "John"

D. final val name = "John"

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Answer: option c


In Kotlin, constant variables can be declared using the "val" keyworOption C is a valid declaration of a constant variable named "name" with the value "John".

5. What is the maximum value that can be stored in a Kotlin variable of type Short?

A. 255

B. 32767

C. 2147483647

D. 9.22337203685477e18

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Answer: option b


The maximum value that can be stored in a Kotlin variable of type Short is 32767.

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