
Direction Sense Test - Important Points

Direction Sense Test - MCQ

There are four main directions - EastWestNorth and South as shown below:

There are four cardinal directions - North-East (N-E)North-West (N-W)South-East (S-E), and South-West (S-W) as shown below:

Direction Sense shadow concept

  • In the morning, if a man stands facing the east, his shadow will be towards west
  • In the evening (or afternoon), the shadow of an object is always in the east.
  • If a man stands facing the North, then, in the morning, his shadow will be towards his left and, in the evening, it will be towards his right.

Type of Questions in Direction Sense

Example 1: Amit walks 20 meters towards the east and turns left, and continues to walk for 15 metres after which he turns right and walks for 25 metres. After that he turns right and walks for 15 metres. How far is he away from the starting point?

Solution: Let he starts from A and takes respective turns at B, C, D and finally reaches at E.

So, he is 45 m away from his starting point.

Example 2: Arti starts from point 'P' and travels for 6 km towards east to reach point 'Q' then she turns right and walks for 8 km to reach point 'R'. Then she turns towards east and walks for

4 km to reach at point 'S'. Then she turns left and walks 8 km to reach the point 'T'. Find the distance between points 'P' and 'T’ ?


ie; the required distance = 10 km

Example 3: One morning, Arti met Babita at a road crossing. Babita's shadow was exactly to the right of Arti. If they were face to face, which direction was Arti facing?

Solution: In the morning sun rises in the east. So, in morning, the shadow falls towards the west.

Now, Babita's shadow falls to the right of the Arti. Hence Arti is facing South.

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