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Deforestation in the Western Ghats
Soil erosion in the Thar Desert
Groundwater depletion nearing a tipping point
Coral reef degradation in the Andaman Sea
Sri Lanka
Enhancing combat free fall skills
Testing space exploration technology
Simulating extreme weather conditions
Training for deep-sea diving
Counter-terrorism operations
Anti-piracy efforts
Maritime security cooperation
Scientific research
Launching a new line of electric vehicles
Introducing India's first gasoline and diesel reference fuels
Opening a chain of biofuel refueling stations
Announcing a partnership with foreign oil companies
Transparent medical tape
Biodegradable tissue glue
Magnetic surgical staples
Color-changing wound closure strips
Establishing a permanent moon colony
Mining lunar resources for commercial use
Placing astronauts on the moon before 2030
Conducting scientific experiments on the moon's surface
It is the tallest rocket in the world.
It is designed for deep-space exploration.
It is India's first privately-built rocket.
It can deploy 1,000 kg payloads into Low Earth Orbit (LEO).