
Debugging in PHP

1. What is the purpose of the function set_time_limit() in PHP?

To turn off error reporting

To set the maximum execution time for a script

To display all errors

To stop the execution of the script on an error

2. What is the purpose of the function ini_set() in PHP?

To set the value of a configuration option

To turn off error reporting

To display all errors

To stop the execution of the script on an error

3. What does the function debug_print_backtrace() do in PHP?

Displays the current stack trace

Displays the current error message

Displays a list of all variables in the current scope

None of the above

4. What does the function debug_backtrace() do in PHP?

Displays the current stack trace

Displays the current error message

Displays a list of all variables in the current scope

None of the above

5. What is the purpose of the function error_log() in PHP?

To display errors in the browser console

To log errors to a file or database

To stop the execution of the script on an error

None of the above

6. What is the difference between the var_dump() and print_r() functions in PHP?

There is no difference, they are synonyms

var_dump() displays the type and value of a variable, print_r() only displays the value

print_r() displays the type and value of a variable, var_dump() only displays the value

None of the above

7. Which of the following is NOT a type of error that can occur in PHP code?

Syntax errors

Runtime errors

Logical errors

None of the above

8. What is the purpose of the function ini_get() in PHP?

To set the value of a configuration option

To turn off error reporting

To get the value of a configuration option

To stop the execution of the script on an error

9. What is the purpose of the function set_error_handler() in PHP?

To turn off error reporting

To set the level of error reporting

To handle errors with a custom function

To stop the execution of the script on an error

10. What is the purpose of the function debug_backtrace() in PHP?

To display a list of all variables in the current scope

To display the current error message

To display the current stack trace

None of the above