
IBPS PO Prelims 2018 - Quantitative Aptitude

1. A mixture contains wine and water in the ratio 5 : 1. On adding 5 litre of water, the ratio of wine to water becomes 5 : 2. The quantity of wine in the mixture is ?

20 L

22 L

24 L

26 L

None of these


Directions (21-26): In each of these questions, two equations (i) and (ii) are given, you have to solve both the equations and give answer accordingly.

(i) 2x² + 9x + 9 = 0

(ii) 15y² + 16y + 4 = 0

x > y

x < y

x ≥ y

x ≤ y

x = y or no relation can be established between x & y.

3. In a class there are 30 girls and 15 boys and total average weight of class is 47 7/15 kg. Total average weight of boys is 58 kg. Find the approximate average weight of girls ?

32 kg

42 kg

52 kg

35 kg

50 kg

4. Ram bought a bike at 20% discount on MRP. After 1 year Ram sell the bike to Ramesh at 10% loss. After 1 year more Ramesh sell the bike at 20% profit to Ranjan. If Ranjan paid Rs. 1,29,600, then find the M.R.P. of the bike ?






5. A man invested a certain sum in scheme A at 15% p.a. for 2 years and earned Rs 1950 as simple interest. He increased his sum by Rs. ‘x’ and invested in another scheme B at 10% p.a. C.I. for 2 years and received Rs. 1680 as compound interest. Find the value of ‘x’ ?

Rs. 1750

Rs. 1500

Rs. 1250

Rs. 1850

None of these

6. Unsold books of store A is approximately is what percent more or less than total unsold books of store B and C together.






7. Number of Men working in 2017 is 15% more than that of 2015 while number of Women working in 2017 is 40% less than that of 2014. Find total number of labors (Men + Women) working in 2017?






8. Total number of Men working in all six years is how much more/less than total number of Women working in all six years together?





None of the given options

9. Find the ratio between Total number persons who use their coupons in Pedicure to total number of persons who use their coupons in Haircutting?

2 : 1

1 : 2

35 : 66

11 : 10

None of the given options


Find the ratio between total number of Labors working in 2012 and 2013 together to total number of labors working in 2015 and 2016 together?

2 : 1

1 : 2

35 : 66

11 : 10

None of the given options