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Determines if a value is a number or not.
Determines if a value is a string or not.
Determines if a value is undefined or not.
Determines if a value is null or not.
function myFunction() {}
var myFunction = function() {};
const myFunction = () => {};
all of the above
There is no difference between a function declaration and a function expression.
A function declaration is hoisted to the top of the scope, while a function expression is not hoisted.
A function expression is hoisted to the top of the scope, while a function declaration is not hoisted.
A function declaration can only be used inside of an object, while a function expression can be used anywhere.
There is no difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming.
Synchronous programming executes code in a single thread, while asynchronous programming allows for code to be executed in multiple threads.
Synchronous programming executes code one line at a time, while asynchronous programming allows for code to be executed out of order.
Synchronous programming executes code in a predetermined order, while asynchronous programming allows for code to be executed out of order.
What is the output of the following code?
There is no difference between == and ===.
== performs a strict comparison, while === performs a loose comparison.
=== performs a strict comparison, while == performs a loose comparison.
== and === both perform a strict comparison.
There is no difference between a for loop and a while loop.
A for loop is used for counting and iterating over a range of values, while a while loop is used for executing a block of code while a condition is true.
A while loop is used for counting and iterating over a range of values, while a for loop is used for executing a block of code while a condition is true.
A for loop is used for executing a block of code while a condition is true, while a while loop is used for counting and iterating over a range of values.
console.log("2" * "3");