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if x = 10 {
if (x == 10)
if (x = 10)
if [x == 10]
condition ? true : false;
true : false ? condition;
true ? condition : false;
condition : true ? false;
What is the output of the following code?
var x = 10;var y = "10";if (x === y) {console.log("x is equal to y");} else {console.log("x is not equal to y");}
x is equal to y
x is not equal to y
var x = "10";var y = 10;if (x == y) {console.log("x and y are equal");} else {console.log("x and y are not equal");}
x and y are equal
x and y are not equal
10 and 10 are equal
No output
To declare a new variable
To define a loop
To execute a block of code based on a condition
To assign a value to a variable
All of the above
What is the value of x after the following code is executed:
var x = 10;if (x < 5) {x = x + 5;} else if (x < 15) {x = x + 10;} else {x = x + 15;}console.log("Value of x is", x);
var x;
let x;
const x;
int x;
To provide an alternative condition to check
To define a function
To perform a specific action
To end the conditional statement
What is a conditional statement in JavaScript?
A statement that is always executed
A statement that is executed only if a certain condition is met
A statement that is executed multiple times
A statement that defines a function