
Debugging in PHP

Debugging in PHP - Important Points

1. Which of the following is a commonly used method for debugging PHP code?

A. echo statements

B. print_r statements

C. var_dump statements

D. All of the above

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Answer: option d


All of the above methods are commonly used for debugging PHP code.

2. What is the purpose of the error_reporting() function in PHP?

A. To turn off error reporting

B. To set the level of error reporting

C. To display all errors

D. To stop the execution of the script on an error

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Answer: option b


The error_reporting() function is used to set the level of error reporting for the current script.

3. Which of the following is NOT a type of error that can occur in PHP code?

A. Syntax errors

B. Runtime errors

C. Logical errors

D. None of the above

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Answer: option d


Syntax errors, runtime errors, and logical errors are all types of errors that can occur in PHP code.

4. What does the function debug_backtrace() do in PHP?

A. Displays the current stack trace

B. Displays the current error message

C. Displays a list of all variables in the current scope

D. None of the above

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Answer: option a


The debug_backtrace() function displays the current stack trace.

5. What is the purpose of the function ini_set() in PHP?

A. To set the value of a configuration option

B. To turn off error reporting

C. To display all errors

D. To stop the execution of the script on an error

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Answer: option a


The ini_set() function is used to set the value of a configuration option.

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