
Python Basics

Python Basics - Important Points

11. Which of the following is NOT a data type in Python?

A. Integer

B. Float

C. Double

D. String

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Answer: option c


Python does not have a Double data type, but it has a Float data type.

12. Which of the following is a valid Python variable name?

A. 1_name

B. my_variable

C. $test

D. class

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Answer: option b


Python variable names must start with a letter or underscore, and can contain letters, numbers, and underscores.

13. Which of the following is NOT a valid way to declare a variable in Python?

A. x = 1

B. y = "Hello"

C. z = 3.14

D. 2 = a

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Answer: option d


Variables cannot be declared with a numeric value on the left side of the equals sign.

14. Which of the following is the correct way to define a multi-line string in Python?

A. This is a multi-line string

B. '''This is a multi-line string'''

C. "This is a multi-line string"

D. All of the above

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Answer: option c


Triple quotes are used to define multi-line strings in Python.

15. Which of the following is an example of a mutable data type in Python?

A. Integer

B. Float

C. String

D. List

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Answer: option d


Lists in Python are mutable, which means their values can be changed.

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