
Python Concurrency and Parallelism

Python Concurrency and Parallelism - Important Points

6. Which module provides a high-level interface for asynchronously executing functions and methods?

A. threading

B. multiprocessing

C. concurrent.futures

D. asyncio

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Answer: option d


The "asyncio" module provides a high-level interface for asynchronously executing functions and methods.

7. Which keyword is used to define a Python function as a coroutine?

A. async

B. await

C. coroutine

D. yield

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Answer: option a


The "async" keyword is used to define a Python function as a coroutine.

8. Which function is used to run an asyncio event loop?


B. asyncio.loop()

C. asyncio.start()

D. asyncio.stop()

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Answer: option a


The "" function is used to run an asyncio event loop.

9. Which method is used to create a thread in Python?

A. start()

B. run()

C. create()

D. initiate()

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Answer: option a


The "start()" method is used to create a thread in Python.

10. Which method is used to create a process in Python?

A. start()

B. run()

C. create()

D. initiate()

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Answer: option c


The "Process()" method is used to create a process in Python.

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