
Python for Data Science and Machine Learning

Python for Data Science and Machine Learning - Important Points

26. Which of the following is a technique for imbalanced classification problems?


B. Gradient descent

C. Lasso regularization

D. None of the above

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Answer: option a


SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique) is a technique used for imbalanced classification problems, which creates synthetic samples of the minority class to balance the dataset.

27. Which of the following is a method for selecting the optimal number of clusters in K-means clustering?

A. Elbow method

B. Gradient descent


D. None of the above

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Answer: option a


Elbow method is a method used for selecting the optimal number of clusters in K-means clustering, by plotting the within-cluster sum of squares against the number of clusters and selecting the number of clusters where the curve bends.

28. Which of the following is a type of ensemble learning in machine learning?

A. Decision tree

B. Random forest

C. Logistic regression

D. None of the above

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Answer: option b


Random forest is a type of ensemble learning in machine learning, which combines multiple decision trees to improve the accuracy and robustness of the model.

29. Which of the following is a method for feature scaling in machine learning?

A. Standardization

B. Normalization

C. Log transformation

D. All of the above

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Answer: option d


All of the above methods can be used for feature scaling in machine learning, depending

30. Which of the following is a Python library for deep learning?

A. Keras

B. Scikit-learn

C. Matplotlib

D. Seaborn

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Answer: option a


Keras is a Python library for deep learning, providing a high-level interface for building neural networks.

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