
Python Functions

Python Functions - Important Points


What is the keyword used to define a function in Python?

A. define

B. function

C. def

D. create

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Answer: option c


The keyword "def" is used to define a function in Python.

2. What is the syntax to call a function in Python?

A. call function_name(arguments)

B. function_name(arguments)

C. function(arguments)

D. call function(arguments)

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Answer: option b


The syntax to call a function in Python is function_name(arguments).

3. What is the purpose of the return statement in a function?

A. It specifies the function name

B. It returns a value from the function

C. It defines the function arguments

D. It ends the function execution

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Answer: option b


The return statement is used to return a value from the function.

4. What is the difference between function parameters and arguments in Python?

A. There is no difference

B. Parameters are values passed to a function, whereas arguments are variables defined within a function

C. Arguments are values passed to a function, whereas parameters are variables defined within a function

D. Parameters and arguments are both variables defined within a function

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Answer: option c


Arguments are the values passed to a function, whereas parameters are the variables defined within a function.

5. What is the purpose of the *args parameter in a function definition?

A. It allows the function to accept a variable number of keyword arguments

B. It allows the function to accept a variable number of positional arguments

C. It defines the default arguments for a function

D. It defines the required arguments for a function

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Answer: option b


The *args parameter allows a function to accept a variable number of positional arguments.

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