
Python Libraries and Modules

Python Libraries and Modules - Important Points

6. Which module in Python is used for handling dates and times?

A. datetime

B. time

C. calendar

D. math

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Answer: option a


The datetime module in Python is used for handling dates and times. It provides functions for creating, formatting, and manipulating dates and times, including support for time zones and daylight saving time.

7. Which library in Python is used for web scraping?

A. BeautifulSoup

B. Requests

C. Scrapy

D. Selenium

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Answer: option a


BeautifulSoup is a library used for web scraping in Python. It provides functions for parsing HTML and XML documents, and extracting information from web pages.

8. Which module in Python is used for working with JSON data?

A. json

B. csv

C. pickle

D. xml

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Answer: option a


The json module in Python is used for working with JSON data. It provides functions for encoding Python objects as JSON strings, and decoding JSON strings as Python objects.

9. Which library in Python is used for data analysis?

A. Pandas

B. NumPy

C. Matplotlib

D. Scikit-learn

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Answer: option a


Pandas is a library used for data analysis in Python. It provides data structures and functions for manipulating and analyzing tabular data, including support for data cleaning, transformation, and aggregation.

10. Which module in Python is used for working with compressed files?

A. gzip

B. zipfile

C. tarfile

D. all of the above

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Answer: option d


Python provides modules for working with compressed files, including gzip, zipfile, and tarfile. These modules provide functions for creating, reading, and writing compressed files in various formats.

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