
R Programming Basics

R Programming Basics - Important Points

16. Which of the following functions is used to convert a factor variable to a character variable in R Programming?

A. as.factor()

B. as.character()

C. factor()

D. character()

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Answer: option b


The as.character() function is used to convert a factor variable to a character variable in R Programming.

17. Which of the following functions is used to create a bar plot in R Programming?

A. barplot()

B. plot()

C. hist()

D. boxplot()

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Answer: option a


The barplot() function is used to create a bar plot in R Programming.

18. Which of the following functions is used to create a histogram in R Programming?

A. barplot()

B. plot()

C. hist()

D. boxplot()

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Answer: option c


The hist() function is used to create a histogram in R Programming.

19. Which of the following functions is used to create a box plot in R Programming?

A. barplot()

B. plot()

C. hist()

D. boxplot()

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Answer: option d


The boxplot() function is used to create a box plot in R Programming.

20. Which of the following functions is used to create a density plot in R Programming?

A. density()

B. plot()

C. hist()

D. boxplot()

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Answer: option a


The density() function is used to create a density plot in R Programming.

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