Antonyms - Important Points
What is Antonyms?
An antonym is a word/phrase that means the opposite of another word or phrase.
Antonym examples:
- Accept - Refuse
- Blunt - Sharp
- Foolish - Wise
- Knowledge - Ignorance
Antonyms List
Absence: Presence, Plenty, Existence, Enough
Accept: Refuse, Fail, Deny, Reject
Accurate: Inaccurate, Indefinite, Unreliable, Faulty
Advantage: Disadvantage, Harm, Impotence, Inferiority
Ancient: Modern, Current, Fresh, New
Approval: Disapproval, Denial, Veto, Refusal
Approached: Receded, Departed, Leave, Retreat
Abundant: Scarce, Lacking, Sparse, Meager
Admit: Deny, Repudiate, Expel, Oust
Advance: Retreat, Retire, Behind, Later
Artificial: Natural, Genuine, Real, Unaffected
Ascend: Descend, Drop, Slump, Decline
Attack: Defense, Flight, Shelter, Shield
Asleep: Awake, Conscious, Attentive
Ally: Enemy, Antagonist, Detractor, Foe
Blunt: Sharp, Polite, Subtle, Sharp
Blame: Praise, Approval, Peace, Ratification
Bitter: Sweet, Bland, Pleasant, Mild
Borrow: Lend, Forfeit, Lend, Return
Bravery: Cowardice, Timidity, Fear
Broad: Narrow, Quiet, Little, Tiny
Calm: Troubled, Harsh, Furious, Worried
Capable: Incapable, Clumsy, Stupid, Ignorant
Cheap: Dear, Expensive, Worthy
Clever: Stupid, Foolish, Ignorant, Naïve
Conceal: Reveal, Divulge, Unwrap, Ignore
Comfort: Discomfort, Gloom, Injury, Torment
Courage: Cowardice, Humility, Timidity, Irresolution
Cruel: Kind, Gentle, Compassionate, Mild
Courteous: Discourteous, Rude, Uncivil, Unrefined
Cunning: Simple, Ignorant, Blunt, Rough
Beautiful: Ugly, Drab, Offensive, Repulsive
Dainty: Clumsy, Ugly, Inferior, Coarse
Deep: Shallow, Artless, Flighty, Trivial
Despair: Hope, Cheer, Faith, Pleasure
Dismal: Cheerful, Bright, Intelligent, Luminous
Ebb: Flow, Incline, Expansion
Expand: Contract, Diminish, Shrink, Shrivel
Fail: Succeed, Ascend, Rise, Reach
Feeble: Sturdy, Strong, Powerful, Expert
Foolish: Wise, Sane, Realistic, Serious
Famous: Unknown, Obscure, Inferior, Typical
Freedom: Captivity, Slavery, Inability, Restraint
Frequent: Seldom, Ceasing, Irregular, Rare
Friend: Enemy, Foe, Stranger, Opponent
Frank: Secretive, Timidity, Shy, Evasive
Generous: Mean, Greedy, Biased, Prejudiced
Gentle: Rough, Surly, Excited, Harsh
Gloomy: Cheerful, Lively, Luminous, Intelligent
Giant: Dwarf, Pygmy, Dwarf, Teeny
Happy: Sad, Miserable, Serious, Morose
Hasten: Dawdle, Halt, Hinder, Dissuade
Hate: Love, Liking, Sympathy, Flattery
Healthy: Unhealthy, Ill, Diseased, Infirm
Hinder: Aid, Help, Further, Allow
Humble: Proud, Brave, Unrefined, Intricate
Hunger: Thirst, Distaste, Disgust, Satiation
Immense: Tiny, Minute, Limited, Restricted
Imprison: Free, Cease, Permit, Release
Intentional: Accidental, Involuntary, Unwilling, Unplanned
Knowledge: Ignorance, Inanity, Stupidity, Impotence
Lazy: Industrious, Energetic, Caring, Fresh
Lofty: Lowly, Humble, Below, Beneath
Prudent: Imprudent, Foolish, Indiscreet, Stupid
Rapid: Slow, Delayed, Sluggish, Languishing
Rigid: Pliable, Soft, Gentle, Pliant
Scatter: Collect, Gather, Maintain, Combine
Serious: Trivial, Insincere, Dishonest, Deceptive
Sour: Sweet, Bland, Calm, Blah