
Web Development With PHP

Web Development With PHP - Important Points

1. Which of the following is NOT a web development language?




D. Java

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Answer: option d


While Java is a programming language used for building applications, it is not typically used for web development.

2. Which PHP function is used to establish a connection to a MySQL database?

A. mysql_connect()

B. mysqli_connect()

C. pdo_connect()

D. sql_connect()

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Answer: option b


The mysqli_connect() function is used to connect to a MySQL database in PHP.

3. Which of the following is NOT a way to run PHP scripts?

A. Through a web server

B. Through a command line interface

C. Through a standalone interpreter

D. Through a database management system

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Answer: option d


While a database management system may use PHP scripts, it is not a way to run them.

4. Which of the following is a valid way to comment out code in PHP?


B. # This is a comment

C. // This is a comment

D. /* This is a comment /

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Answer: option d


The / and */ characters are used to comment out multiple lines of code in PHP.

5. Which PHP function is used to output text to the web page?

A. echo

B. print

C. printf

D. write

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Answer: option a


The echo function is used to output text to the web page in PHP.

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