
Web Development With PHP

Web Development With PHP - Important Points

21. Which of the following is NOT a valid way to concatenate two strings in PHP?

A. $string1 . $string2

B. $string1 + $string2

C. $string1 .= $string2

D. $string1, $string2

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Answer: option b


The + operator is used for arithmetic operations in PHP, not string concatenation. String concatenation is done using the dot (.) operator.

22. Which PHP function is used to generate a random number?

A. rand()

B. random()

C. randomize()

D. random_number()

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Answer: option a


The rand() function is used to generate a random number in PHP.

23. Which of the following is NOT a valid loop in PHP?

A. for

B. while

C. do-while

D. repeat-until

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Answer: option d


The repeat-until loop is not a valid loop in PHP. Instead, the do-while loop is used.

24. Which PHP function is used to retrieve the length of a string?

A. length()

B. size()

C. strlen()

D. count()

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Answer: option c


The strlen() function is used to retrieve the length of a string in PHP.

25. Which of the following is NOT a valid comparison operator in PHP?

A. ==

B. !=

C. <=>

D. ><

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Answer: option d


The >< characters are not a valid comparison operator in PHP. The <=> operator is used to compare two values and return either -1, 0, or 1 depending on the result of the comparison.

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