
Python OOPs Concepts

Python OOPs Concepts - Important Points

6. What is the purpose of encapsulation in object-oriented programming?

A. To hide implementation details

B. To define variables in a class

C. To create new objects

D. To call methods from other classes

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Answer: option a


The purpose of encapsulation in object-oriented programming is to hide implementation details.

7. Which method is automatically called when an object is created in Python?

A. new

B. init

C. str

D. repr

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Answer: option b


The method "init" is automatically called when an object is created in Python.

8. Which method is used to convert an object to a string in Python?

A. str

B. init

C. repr

D. new

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Answer: option a


The method "str" is used to convert an object to a string in Python.

9. What is a constructor in Python?

A. A special method that is automatically called when an object is created

B. A method that is used to define a new object

C. A method that is used to create a new instance of a class

D. A method that is used to convert an object to a string

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Answer: option a


A constructor is a special method that is automatically called when an object is created.

10. Which keyword is used to refer to the current object in a class method in Python?

A. self

B. this

C. me

D. current

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Answer: option a


The keyword "self" is used to refer to the current object in a class method in Python.

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