
Python OOPs Concepts

Python OOPs Concepts - Important Points

16. Which method is used to delete an object in Python?

A. del

B. delete

C. remove

D. destroy

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Answer: option a


The method "del" is used to delete an object in Python.

17. Which keyword is used to define a static method in Python?

A. static

B. def

C. classmethod

D. None of the above

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Answer: option d


None of the above keywords are used to define a static method in Python. The @staticmethod decorator is used instead.

18. What is the purpose of a class method in Python?

A. To create new objects

B. To call methods from other classes

C. To define variables in a class

D. To perform actions on a class itself

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Answer: option d


The purpose of a class method in Python is to perform actions on a class itself.

19. Which keyword is used to define an instance variable in Python?

A. class

B. self

C. instance

D. var

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Answer: option b


The keyword "self" is used to define an instance variable in Python.

20. Which method is used to access the representation of an object in Python?

A. str

B. repr

C. eq

D. cmp

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Answer: option b


The method "repr" is used to access the representation of an object in Python.

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