
JavaScript Functions

JavaScript Functions - Important Points


What is a JavaScript function?

A. A keyword used to define variables

B. A set of instructions that perform a specific task

C. A method used to create objects

D. An object that contains properties and methods

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Answer: option b


A JavaScript function is a set of instructions that perform a specific task. Functions can be reused and called multiple times in a program.

2. What is the purpose of a function parameter?

A. To pass values into a function

B. To declare variables inside a function

C. To define a function's name

D. To specify a function's return value

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Answer: option a


Function parameters allow values to be passed into a function. The values passed in can be used as inputs for the function's logic.

3. What is the difference between function declarations and function expressions in JavaScript?

A. Function declarations use the "function" keyword, while function expressions use the "=>" operator

B. Function declarations are hoisted, while function expressions are not hoisted

C. Function declarations must have a name, while function expressions do not require a name

D. Function declarations can be assigned to variables, while function expressions cannot be assigned to variables

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Answer: option b


Function declarations are hoisted, which means they are moved to the top of their scope before the code is executeFunction expressions are not hoisted, so they must be defined before they are called.

4. What is a callback function in JavaScript?

A. A function that returns another function

B. A function that takes another function as an argument

C. A function that is defined inside another function

D. A function that is used to create objects

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Answer: option b


A callback function is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is called by that function. Callback functions are often used for asynchronous programming and event handling.

5. What is the purpose of the "return" statement in a JavaScript function?

A. To specify a function's input parameters

B. To declare variables inside a function

C. To specify a function's name

D. To return a value from a function

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Answer: option d


The "return" statement is used to return a value from a function. The returned value can be used as an output for the function or as input for another function.

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