
JavaScript Functions

JavaScript Functions - Important Points

31. What is the purpose of the "bind" method in JavaScript?

A. To create a new function with a specified "this" value and arguments provided as an array

B. To call a function with a specified "this" value and arguments provided as individual arguments

C. To bind a function to a specific "this" value

D. To create a new object with a specified prototype object and properties

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Answer: option c


The "bind" method is used to bind a function to a specific "this" value. The bound function can be called with the original arguments or with new arguments provided when the bound function is called.

32. What is the difference between "call" and "apply" methods in JavaScript?

A. There is no difference between "call" and "apply"

B. Call method accepts an array of arguments, while "apply" method accepts individual arguments

C. Call method accepts individual arguments, while "apply" method accepts an array of arguments

D. Call method is used for asynchronous functions, while "apply" method is used for synchronous functions

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Answer: option c


The "call" and "apply" methods are used to call a function with a specified "this" value and arguments provided as individual arguments or an array of arguments, respectively. The difference between the two methods is the way the arguments are passe"Call" method accepts individual arguments, while "apply" method accepts an array of arguments.

33. What is a closure in JavaScript?

A. A function that is called at the end of a program's execution

B. A function that is called when an event occurs

C. A function that is passed as an argument to another function

D. A combination of a function and the lexical environment in which it was declared

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Answer: option d


A closure is a combination of a function and the lexical environment in which it was declareThe closure allows the function to access variables and functions from the outer scope, even after the outer function has returned.

34. What is a higher-order function in JavaScript?

A. A function that returns a boolean value

B. A function that takes another function as an argument or returns a function as a result

C. A function that performs a specific task

D. A function that is called when an event occurs

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Answer: option b


A higher-order function is a function that takes another function as an argument or returns a function as a result. Higher-order functions are often used for functional programming.

35. What is the purpose of the "this" keyword in JavaScript?

A. To refer to the current object

B. To refer to the previous object

C. To refer to the next object

D. To refer to a global variable

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Answer: option a


The "this" keyword is used to refer to the current object. The value of "this" depends on how the function is called, and can be explicitly set using the "bind", "call", or "apply" methods.

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