
JavaScript Functions

JavaScript Functions - Important Points

11. What is the purpose of the "this" keyword in a JavaScript function?

A. To refer to the function itself

B. To refer to the global object

C. To refer to the object that the function is a method of

D. To refer to the previous function in the call stack

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Answer: option c


The "this" keyword refers to the object that the function is a method of.

12. Which keyword is used to define a JavaScript function that can be called without creating an instance of the object?

A. static

B. prototype

C. class

D. function

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Answer: option d


The "function" keyword is used to define a JavaScript function that can be called without creating an instance of the object.

13. What is the purpose of the "new" keyword in JavaScript?

A. To create a new variable

B. To create a new object instance

C. To declare a new function

D. To import a module

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Answer: option b


The "new" keyword is used to create a new object instance in JavaScript.


What is the output of the following code snippet?

function myFunction(x, y) {
console.log(x + y);
myFunction(2, 3, 4);

A. 5

B. 9

C. 11

D. Error

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Answer: option a


The function myFunction takes only two parameters, so the third parameter "4" is ignoreThe output is 2+3=5.

15. What is the purpose of the "apply" method in JavaScript?

A. To call a function with a specified "this" value and arguments provided as an array

B. To call a function with a specified "this" value and arguments provided as individual arguments

C. To create a new object with a specified prototype object and properties

D. To bind a function to a specific "this" value

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Answer: option a


The "apply" method is used to call a function with a specified "this" value and arguments provided as an array.

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