
Python OOPs Concepts

Python OOPs Concepts - Important Points


What is the syntax to create a new instance of a class in Python?

A. object = ClassName()

B. object = new ClassName()

C. object = create ClassName()

D. object = instance ClassName()

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Answer: option a


The syntax to create a new instance of a class in Python is ClassName().

2. Which keyword is used to define a method in a class in Python?

A. def

B. class

C. method

D. function

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Answer: option a


The keyword "def" is used to define a method in a class in Python.

3. What is the purpose of inheritance in object-oriented programming?

A. To reuse code and avoid duplication

B. To create new objects

C. To define variables in a class

D. To call methods from other classes

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Answer: option a


The purpose of inheritance in object-oriented programming is to reuse code and avoid duplication.

4. What is polymorphism in object-oriented programming?

A. The ability of an object to take on many forms

B. The process of defining two methods with the same name in a class

C. The process of defining a variable in a class

D. The process of calling methods from other classes

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Answer: option a


Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on many forms.

5. Which keyword is used to inherit from a superclass in Python?

A. super

B. inherit

C. extends

D. from

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Answer: option c


The keyword "extends" is used to inherit from a superclass in Python.

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