
Python Testing and Debugging

Python Testing and Debugging - Important Points

6. Which assertion method is used to test for equality in Python?

A. assertEqual()

B. assertNotEqual()

C. assertTrue()

D. assertFalse()

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Answer: option a


The assertEqual() assertion method is used to test for equality in Python. It checks that two values are equal and raises an AssertionError if they are not.

7. Which module is used for logging in Python?

A. logging

B. unittest

C. traceback

D. sys

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Answer: option a


The logging module is used for logging in Python. It provides a way to output messages to a log file or console, and allows developers to configure the level and format of the log messages.

8. Which command is used to run a single test case in Python?

A. python -m unittest

B. python -m unittest discover

C. python -m unittest test_case.TestClass.test_method

D. python -m unittest test_case.TestClass

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Answer: option c


The python -m unittest test_case.TestClass.test_method command is used to run a single test case in Python. It runs the specified test method within the specified test class.

9. Which tool is used for profiling Python code?

A. cProfile

B. unittest

C. logging

D. pdb

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Answer: option a


The cProfile module is used for profiling Python code. It provides detailed information on the time and resources used by different parts of the code, helping developers identify areas for optimization.

10. What is a breakpoint in Python?

A. A location in the code where the program stops running

B. A location in the code where the program starts running

C. A location in the code where the program outputs a message

D. A location in the code where the program skips a line

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Answer: option a


A breakpoint is a location in the code where the program stops running, allowing developers to inspect the state of the program and debug any issues.

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