
Python Testing and Debugging

Python Testing and Debugging - Important Points

26. What is the purpose of a debugger in Python?

A. To help identify and fix errors in code

B. To optimize code performance

C. To test user interface interactions

D. To generate documentation for code

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Answer: option a


A debugger is a tool used to identify and fix errors in code. Debuggers allow developers to step through code and examine the state of the program at specific points in the execution, helping to identify and resolve issues.

27. Which module in Python provides support for logging?

A. logging

B. log

C. logger

D. all of the above

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Answer: option a


Python provides support for logging through the logging module. This module allows developers to create log messages at various levels of severity and direct those messages to different destinations, such as a file or the console.

28. What is a traceback in Python?

A. A list of the functions that were called before an exception occurred

B. A list of the functions that will be called next

C. A list of the variables that are currently in scope

D. A list of the variables that were modified by the last function call

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Answer: option a


A traceback is a list of the functions that were called before an exception occurreIt provides information about the context in which the exception occurred and can be used to help identify the cause of the error.

29. What is an assertion in Python testing?

A. A statement that tests whether a condition is true

B. A statement that generates a warning message

C. A statement that terminates program execution

D. A statement that logs a message to a file

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Answer: option a


An assertion is a statement that tests whether a condition is true. If the condition is false, the assertion will raise an AssertionError, indicating that the code is not functioning as expected.

30. Which tool in Python can be used for static code analysis?

A. PyLint

B. Flake8

C. Bandit

D. all of the above

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Answer: option d


Python provides multiple tools for static code analysis, including PyLint, Flake8, and Bandit. These tools can be used to identify issues in code that may not be caught by other testing methods, such as unused variables or potential security vulnerabilities.

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