
Python Testing and Debugging

Python Testing and Debugging - Important Points

11. What is a trace in Python debugging?

A. A log of program execution

B. A message displayed to the user

C. A report on code coverage

D. A mock object used in testing

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Answer: option a


A trace is a log of program execution that can be used to diagnose issues and understand how the program is running.

12. Which method is used to raise an exception in Python?

A. raise Exception("Error message")

B. assert Exception("Error message")

C. print Exception("Error message")

D. throw Exception("Error message")

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Answer: option a


The raise keyword is used to raise an exception in Python. It allows developers to create custom error messages and handle unexpected situations in their code.

13. What is the purpose of the try-except block in Python?

A. To catch errors and handle them gracefully

B. To output messages to the user

C. To verify database connections

D. To test user interface interactions

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Answer: option a


The try-except block is used to catch errors and handle them gracefully in Python. It allows developers to handle unexpected situations in their code and prevent the program from crashing.

14. What is the purpose of the finally block in Python?

A. To catch errors and handle them gracefully

B. To output messages to the user

C. To verify database connections

D. To ensure code is executed regardless of whether an exception is raised

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Answer: option d


The finally block is used to ensure that code is executed regardless of whether an exception is raiseIt is often used to perform cleanup tasks, such as closing files or database connections.

15. Which module is used for debugging in Python?

A. pdb

B. unittest

C. logging

D. cProfile

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Answer: option a


The pdb module is used for debugging in Python. It provides a command-line interface for stepping through code and inspecting program state.

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