
PHP Security

PHP Security - Important Points

21. What is the purpose of the htmlspecialchars() function in PHP?

A. To encrypt passwords

B. To validate email addresses

C. To convert special characters to HTML entities

D. To generate random numbers

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Answer: option c


The htmlspecialchars() function is used to convert special characters to HTML entities, helping to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

22. What is the purpose of the strip_tags() function in PHP?

A. To encrypt data

B. To validate user input

C. To remove HTML tags from a string

D. To generate random strings

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Answer: option c


The strip_tags() function is used to remove HTML tags from a string, helping to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

23. Which of the following is a method to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks in PHP?

A. Using prepared statements and parameterized queries

B. Storing session IDs in plaintext

C. Using SSL encryption

D. Sanitizing user input

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Answer: option d


Sanitizing user input by removing or encoding special characters can help prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

24. What is the purpose of the md5() function in PHP?

A. To generate random numbers

B. To validate email addresses

C. To encrypt passwords

D. To convert special characters to HTML entities

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Answer: option c


The md5() function is often used to encrypt passwords by generating a fixed-length hash value.

25. Which of the following is a method to prevent brute force attacks in PHP?

A. Allowing unlimited login attempts


C. Using plaintext passwords

D. Storing passwords in cookies

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Answer: option b


Using CAPTCHA can help prevent brute force attacks by requiring users to prove they are human before attempting to log in.

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