
PHP Security

PHP Security - Important Points

26. Which of the following is a method to prevent file inclusion vulnerabilities in PHP?

A. Using SSL encryption

B. Disabling file inclusion functions

C. Storing files outside the web root directory

D. Storing files in plaintext

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Answer: option c


Storing files outside the web root directory can help prevent file inclusion vulnerabilities by preventing attackers from accessing sensitive files.

27. What is the purpose of the filter_input() function in PHP?

A. To encrypt data

B. To validate user input

C. To remove HTML tags from a string

D. To regenerate the session ID

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Answer: option b


The filter_input() function is used to validate and sanitize user input based on a specified filter.

28. What is the purpose of the ctype_digit() function in PHP?

A. To check if a variable is a number or a numeric string

B. To check if a variable is a string

C. To check if a variable is an array

D. To check if a variable is an object

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Answer: option a


The ctype_digit() function is used to check if a variable is a number or a numeric string.

29. Which of the following is a method to prevent code injection attacks in PHP?

A. Allowing file uploads

B. Disabling input validation

C. Using prepared statements and parameterized queries

D. Storing passwords in plaintext

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Answer: option c


Using prepared statements and parameterized queries can help prevent code injection attacks by properly escaping user input.

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